Blue Sky Theatre Productions

Di and Viv and Rose is sublime

by admin

The reviews are in: Di and Viv and Rose is a must-see.

Glam Adelaide:
Nicole Rutty, Kate Anolak and Allison Scharber are Di, Viv and Rose, respectively. And I do mean “are” and not “play”, so realistic are their performances. Director Angela Short, with the assistance of Dave Simms, delivers the goods at least tenfold in this incredibly smooth production. Their casting is faultless. 

Stage Whispers:
“The cast are a dream. Nicole Rutty’s Di is a carefully nuanced study of a lesbian who does not know how to find her true love. Kate Anolak’s Viv is the glue that holds the friendship together. Initially aloof, she quickly adds a sense of order to Di and Rose’s lives.  Allison Scharber’s Rose lights up the stage.”

Barefoot Review:
“There are wrenching moments that Nicole Rutty handles beautifully, from the powerful, painful howl to the rawness of grief. Kate Anolak grows into her role as Viv, with a masterful monologue near the play’s end. Allison Scharber has read Rose to a tee, and we teeter between disapproval and admiration at her life choices, but we’re always entertained by this bright personality.”